
Tips and notes on installing Diy Wall Switch & Socket
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Tips and notes on installing Diy Wall Switch & Socket

Publish Time: 2023-03-20     Origin: Site

With the improvement of living standards, no matter which household, it can be said that there are more and more electrical products, so this time with the matching Diy Wall Switch & Socket demand also rose, if you do not decorate when the arrangement is good, later use is very troublesome. If you don't get it right when you decorate, it can be a real hassle later on. Next, we take a look at the tips and considerations for installing Diy wall switches and sockets.

Here is the content list:

l What are the installation tips for Diy Wall Switch & Socket?

l What are the installation considerations for Diy Wall Switch & Socket?

What are the installation tips for Diy Wall Switch & Socket?

When installing Diy Wall Switch & Socket, remember not to install Diy Wall Switch & Socket in the position of the tile waistline and flower piece, and in the process of tile opening, require that the border should not exceed the bottom box by more than two millimeters, nor should it be opened into a round hole. After the holes have been cut, the bottom box of the Diy Wall Switch & Socket should be installed with long screws and the sides of the bottom box should preferably be level with the tiles. Secondly, during the installation of the Diy Wall Switch & Socket, ensure that the number of broken tiles in the Diy Wall Switch & Socket installation does not exceed two and that it is preferably installed in the middle of the tiles. In addition, if the Diy Wall Switch & Socket is to be installed in an open installation, the height between it and the floor must be at least 1.8 meters. In addition, to avoid children touching the eyelets of the Diy Wall Switch & Socket, a safety stopper must be installed to avoid electric shock. If you are installing a single phase two-eye socket, the order of the horizontal eyelets is left zero and right fire, while the order of the vertical eyelets is top fire and bottom zero.

What are the installation considerations for Diy Wall Switch & Socket?

Firstly, Diy Wall Switch & Socket should not be installed on top of a combustible object, as this may burn the jacket of the switch and socket, resulting in the wire core being exposed and moisture entering, causing a short circuit and even a fire. Secondly, Diy Wall Switch & Socket should be fitted with an arc suppression device to avoid the risk of fire or explosion due to combustible gas leakage. Thirdly, the installation of Diy Wall Switch & Socket is also divided into open and concealed installation, generally speaking, open installation cannot be lower than 1.8m, if it is concealed installation cannot be lower than 0.3m, and kitchen and bathroom sockets should be higher than 1.5m above the ground, air conditioning sockets should be higher than 2m. fourthly, Diy Wall Switch & Socket wiring must Follow the principle of "Firewire into the switch, zero wire into the light head" and remember to install a leakage protection device. Fifthly, it is advisable to install a protective box or baffle for the Diy Wall Switch & Socket so that water or oil does not seep in and cause a short circuit or leakage. This is especially important for families with children, to prevent them from reaching out and touching the socket while playing. Sixthly, if a wire is broken in a socket, it must be replaced, and it is best not to use a bare wire instead, as this is also more likely to cause a fire. Seventhly, the Diy Wall Switch & Socket should not be installed above the cooker, mainly because of the high temperature in this area, which can lead to damage to the socket due to overheating.

This is all we have to say about the installation of the Diy Wall Switch & Socket. The installation of the Diy Wall Switch & Socket may seem like a relatively simple task, but it must not be done sloppily. If you are interested in our products or have any other requirements, please feel free to contact us. Our official website is http://www.jsankou.com/. Our cost-effective products will bring you a better experience.


E-mail: judy@jsankou.com
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